Monday, February 4, 2019

"I met you Jesus. He is actually pretty nice!"

Well as the title indicates... We met some weirdos this week. We met this lady who told us that she met our Jesus. I am not sure if that is different from her Jesus. But, she said that He is nice. So, I guess that is good to know haha. We drunk people all the time that say things like this. I am pretty sure that this lady was just not quite in her right mind. But she seemed to have faith in something. So, that is good.
We had another awesome experience with a blessing that we gave to an Elderly man that we teach. He is probably 71 and he told us that he has had a headache for like the last 2 weeks. He asked us if there was anything that we could do for him. We told him that there was something that we could do. We told him we would give him a blessing and that according to his faith, God would bless him with what he saw fit. I had the opportunity to give the blessing. I had the feeling to tell him that within the next day, according to his faith, he would begin to see changes in his health. And that God would bless him as he read and studied the scriptures and prayed. 
Anyway, we went back to visit him the next week. He told us that once we left, he read the chapter in the Book of Mormon that we had given to him. It made his headache a little bit worse, so he went to bed. The next morning, he woke up and said a prayer. Then he showered and he said the moment that he got out of the shower, his headache was completely gone. I know that it was because of the power of the Priesthood and the faith of this man. We really do have the power of God here on the earth and the ability to bless our brothers and sisters here. 
We also had a good Word of Wisdom lesson. I am always kind of scared to give these lessons. This is one of the major holdups for people here in the Philippines. But, we taught this man. He had drank coffee his whole life and he smoked 3 times a day. He told us that if this is what God had commanded, that he would follow it. That day, he went out and bought hot chocolate to replace the coffee and bought little candies that he could eat whenever he thought about smoking. His faith was seriously incredible. He knows that God has a plan for him and blesses all of us as we follow His will. 
I love you all and know that God has a plan for each of us. No matter how hard. We don't have the eternal perspective. Our Father in Heaven has a perfect plan for each of us and wants nothing more than for us to return to His presence. 
Love Elder Thomas


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