Monday, February 25, 2019

Find Them

The highlight this week was our Zone Meeting. We had an awesome discussion with our President about finding. He talked about how it is hard to find motivation a lot of the time. People often really don't know what they are missing and reject the chance to hear the restored gospel.
This week, we had a lot of appointments, but of course, we also had a lot of downtime. One day, we had just finished an appointment and we had 2 hours before our next appointment. Me and my comp asked each other where we should go. We both had no clue and then my comp said "we should pray. Our Father in Heaven knows who is ready to hear the gospel." It was awesome. I had never really prayed out-loud on the go. But, we stopped right then and there in the alley and said a prayer. We told each other after the prayer that we would both point in a direction and decide which way to go. But, we both pointed in different directions. We ended up going in the direction that my companion chose. 
We got down a staircase and ended up finding 2 less active families. It was awesome. Then we talked to a few more people and got 3 more return appointments. We came walking up the road and ended up in the direction that I had pointed to earlier. We both really felt that we would have found those people regardless of which direction we chose. It was awesome!
Sorry, the story was kind of all over. I hope it made some sense. We are a little bit short on time. But, I kind of just want to end with my testimony. This week especially, I learned that God definitely has a plan for all of His children. As missionaries, we don't get to choose who gets to receive the gospel. Our job is to talk to EVERYONE. God will put into our path those that really are prepared to hear the message of this amazing gospel. 
This next week, I am also really excited to talk to lots of people. This week there is a huge festival in Baguio. They shut down the main road in Baguio City for a whole week and there are parties everywhere. The church will be putting up 2 family history booths at the festival. It is a chance for people to come and set up a family search account. This week we will talk to people using family history as our main finding tool. People naturally have a desire to know their ancestors and those that they are related to. I am exciting to get started this week. 
I love you all and send prayers your way. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. They are definitely felt out here. 
Love Elder Thomas
sorry... no new pictures. I just sent some old ones

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