Monday, April 29, 2019

Can you bless my son too?

The weeks out here are going by wayyy too fast. I can't believe that I am already here again writing another email. This week was awesome. We taught more lessons than we have in a long time. We really lucked out (got helped by the Lord) and made it to many of the investigators that we haven't contacted in a long time.
We also got the opportunity to work with one of the AP's. He is awesome. He leaves the mission in like 6 days, but he still works every second that he has. I learned a lot about how we don't get to choose who gets to hear the gospel. A lot of the time, I will just walk by people and politely say "hi." But, Elder Hollister would not let that happen. We talked to every single person that we past and it was awesome. I realized how easy it really is to talk to people. Rarely will people reject a short message about Christ. 
We also had a cool experience when we went to the hospital. We went to give a blessing to a member from one of the other wards. She is not from our area, but, we are the closest Elders to the hospital. So, we went to try to find them. At the hospital, at the Pediatric section, there is just a long hallway that is lined with beds on both sides. It is kind of crazy. But, we went to give a blessing to a young boy. We gave him a blessing right there in the hallway. As we were walking out, this guy came to us and asked if we could bless his son too. We didn't know if that is exactly allowed because the handbook says that we can't "solicit help at hospitals." So, we made a quick call and they said that since we didn't really solicit the help and the guy had just asked, we were allowed to. They guy was awesome. He said "I know that we aren't of the same faith, but I respect everything you do and I know that you have the power to do something good for my son." His faith was awesome. We gave him a blessing, handed him a pass-a-long card and told him to get in contact with the missionaries back in his home town. 
For those of you who saw on the news the earthquakes here in the Philippines, don't worry. I didn't feel the quakes and they didn't do any damage to the area that I serve. The prayers are felt though for all those that were affected. 
That is gonna just about do it. I love you all and send lots of prayers your way. 
Love Elder Thomas

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