Monday, April 15, 2019

Please do it NOW!! Time is running out!!!

I know that I am a week behind everyone here. So, I am sure that you have already had your fair share of conference updates. But, how 'bout another? Conference this year was seriously awesome. As missionaries, we were all pretty anxious about the "Big Announcement." We had heard all sorts of rumors. But, we came to find out that there wasn't really any huge announcement. But, all the talks did an awesome job at really focusing on the Savior and His church. It really is the last days and it is our job to prepare ourselves, our families and others for the day when Christ will return to the earth.
One the Sunday morning session, we had an investigator attend. It was awesome! I prayed harder than ever that he would receive an answer to any question that he had. The whole session was about preparing ourselves for the day when Christ comes through repentance. I know that was exactly what he needed to hear as he is preparing to get baptized so that he and his wife can go through the temple to be sealed. It was awesome!

Now I am just going to share a few of the quotes that I wrote down as I listened...
-The Lord will be with you as you summon your courage to be on His side
-Heavenly Father IS, without a doubt, preparing the minds and hearts of people everywhere
-See as He sees, be worthy of His authority, and when you teach, teach with Him
-try to imagine how you will answer to the Lord when one day he interview you
-make present sacrifice for important future goals
-We need to do better and be better because the battle with sin is real. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts and arming his minions with potent weapons. 
-Casualness can lead us away from the covenant path
-We are a peculiar people... what a compliment!
we may not be perfect, but we can be worthy
-Sometimes we don't receive answers the way we want. But, the Lord has greater blessings in store. 
-Share the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words
-it is not your job to convert people. That is the role of the Holy Ghost
-rejoice as you share Christ's suffering
-do not ever lose faith in Jesus Christ
-we are MEANT to find JOY in this life
-it will be impossible in these last perilous days to avoid the temptations of the adversary without the companionship of the Holy Ghost
-focus not on what you don't have, but on what you do have, and what you can do to use what you do have to bless the lives of others. 
-the words of Christ will open the hearts of those who have not yet received Him
-Make a decision and move forward with trust. God will not let you go too far without a warning call if the decision is wrong.
-Christ died from a heart broken by shouldering completely alone the sins of all mankind
-such an event (sacrament) deserves our absolute and utmost respect. It is far and away the most sacred and important hour of our week
-The is no shortage of suffering in this world. So look in any direction and join the Great Healer in lifting the load of one who is downtrodden.
-blessings are never earned, but faith promoting actions are always required.
-if we do our part and repent, the Savior will unleash His protective powers on all of us
-the Atonement is infinite is scope and individual in reach
-Salvation is an individual matter. Exaltation is a family matter.
-True repentance is not an event. It is a never ending privilege
-Our Savior watches over the 99 AND goes to find the 1
-There is much more to come. Get your rest. Eat your vitamins. It is going to be exciting!
-even while we wait on the Lord, certain blessings come immediately
-the purposes of conference begin after the closing prayer
-our homes are only as strong as the strength of each of us inside
-we are at war with Satan for the souls of the children of God
-Be a disciple of the Lord. Stand up and speak for Him wherever you are
-rededicate your lives to serving His children on both sides of the veil
-Work... until the Great Jehovah says the work is done.

Well... the church is true. And it is led by a prophet who receives guidance from God. I love the short time that I have to be out here in this great work. I love you all and send lots of prayers back your way. 

Love Elder Thomas


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