Monday, November 19, 2018

Trainee to Trainer

Well... another 6 weeks came and went. We got transfer calls and I found out that I am going to be a trainer. It is a little bit scary because I don't exactly speak Tagalog all that well yet. But, I am more than excited. I don't know if my comp will be Filipino or American yet, but I will find out on Thursday after trainers training. It would definitely be a blessing if I could train a filipino because then, at least one of us would know the language haha. But either way. The Lord knows how we can best get the work done. He manages to get the work done with a bunch of 18-21 year old kids and it is seriously amazing.
I now have 4 people that will be at my house. They added another set of Elders to our area. I am a little bit sad because the area that the other Elders will take has 3 of our next 4 baptisms. But, the area that I am in has a lot of progressing investigators, so I am super excited. The work is all the same regardless of who does it. 
One of the funnest things that we did this week was ride a water buffalo. We found out that one of the members in our ward had a water buffalo and so we asked if we could ride it. It was super fun. 
We also went to another members house this week for dinner. We got there and they told us that if we want to eat, we had to catch one of their ducks. In our white shirts and ties, we ran around for like 20 minutes trying to catch a duck. We finally did. And then they told us that we were not really Filipinos unless we killed it. So, we held it while they killed it. It was wild. But, it was one of the best meals that I have had here. 
This week, I really thought about the temple a lot. Addie and Caitlin are going through the temple for the first time which is super exciting. The youth in our ward are planning a temple trip in a few months. It is awesome to see how excited they are. They are all working to raise money so that they can make the 7 hour bus ride down to Manila to the temple. I always took for granted the fact that I could get to like 5 or 6 temples within an hour drive. It is awesome. 
I love the gospel and the chance that I have to share it here in the Philippines. I am grateful for all of you and I send lots of prayers your way. 
Love Elder Thomas


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