Monday, November 25, 2019

I plan to kill my comp this week

Whelp... This is the last week for my comp here in the mission. So, I will kill him off and send him back home. By Saturday, I will know who my new companion is up here in Banacao.
This last week was pretty solid. We have had a lot of success with the part members in our area. We just started teaching a bunch of the grandkids of one of our recent converts. She is awesome. She has the coolest desire to share the message of the gospel with her family. Every time we go over there they tell us that they sat down with the kids and taught them the lesson that we were supposed to teach. So, that has made our job a lot easier. That is really the way that it is supposed to be. Because the missionaries will transfer, but the family and friends will be there forever!!
This week we did probably some of our best work while BRT'ing (Building a Relationship of Trust) with the monkey that lives around the corner. A few weeks ago, he would growl at us if we got near him. Then we were slowly able to feed him. And then just the other day, he started to climb all over us. I just with that we could have as much success and progression with some of our investigators and we did with this monkey. That would be neat. 
But, in all seriousness, the work up here is awesome. We teach a lot of lessons and find lots of people that we know that God is preparing for us. I am beyond grateful for this short time that I have to devote all of my time to the most important thing that is happening on the earth today. We all can be a part of it. The world is getting more and more wicked which means that the second coming of our Savior is close. So, especially as we get into the holiday season, look for something that you can do to help someone!! I just reread some conference talks and love this quote by Elder Holland "There is no shortage of suffering in this world, inside the Church and out, so look in any direction and you will find someone whose pain seems too heavy to bear and whose heartache seems never to end. One way to "always remember him" would be to join the Great Physician in His never-ending task of lifting the lead from those who are burdened and relieving the pain of those who are distraught." 
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love Elder Thomas


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